Beware of fake Telegram and other social media entities claiming to be owned by DSP Mutual Fund

Beware of fake Telegram and other social media entities claiming to be owned by DSP Mutual Fund

Beware of fake Telegram and other social media entities claiming to be owned by DSP Mutual Fund

Mumbai, February 03, 2023: There may be fake Telegram and other social media entities claiming to be owned by DSP Mutual Fund. Please do not get misled by them. DSP Mutual Fund does not hold any official Telegram account.
DSP Mutual Fund is only present on the following social platforms, with the handles/ channel names mentioned below:
Twitter: @dspmf | Instagram: @dspmutualfund | YouTube: @DSPMutualFund_in | Facebook: @DSPMutualFund | LinkedIn: DSP Mutual Fund. DSP Mutual Fund does not promise or misguide investors in any form or on any social platforms for abnormal earnings or returns while investing in mutual funds. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, and investors should read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing.
We request social media users and investors to report fraudulent groups on Telegram in case they come across them to [email protected] or write to us at [email protected].

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